Stock Market Volatility
Timing is important to positing your portfolio
In the everyday hustle and bustle of life finances are often put on the back burner. They often take a back seat to other daily life events and before you know it one day turns into another.
When markets come down it can be like catching a falling knife and investors don’t often see the importance of full diversification and timing within their portfolios. As we are seeing now reflected in the markets, things can happen at any time, such as the Coronavirus and conflicts over seas bringing markets down which could have an impact on your investments and overall bottom line of your portfolio.
In the bull markets we have been seeing, which are at all-time highs, many investors do not see the importance of timing. When positioning a portfolio for protection of assets and longevity timing in many cases and being proactive can be the best approach.
It is very hard to come back and recapture losses for retirees who are no longer working. Positioning your portfolio and having a review of you assets is key.
We look forward to exploring your options and you are welcome to visit our website for our upcoming seminar schedule or call us today for a FREE consultation 800-630-4299.
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- Time and Diversification
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